4Human for Growth

Last month, we introduced our 4Human (4H) inventory as a template for healing burnout. 4H has endless applications to help build positive work environments . This month, we’re showing you how to use 4H as a way to grow by connecting with others. We’ve created a framework to help you think about the important and influential relationships and connections, that will help you to grow professionally.

4H Mentor Relationships You Need for Growth

Since 4H takes a holistic approach to employee well-being we are highlighting four critical roles to nurture all your growth from the perspective of head, hands, heart and health:

  • Advisors, people you turn to for subject matter knowledge in your field, fit the 4H Head category because they bring intellectual knowledge about a role, topic, or process. Advisors encourage growth through knowledge acquisition—the practical facts that get a job done.

  • Mentors combine knowledge with application and fit our 4H Hands role. While they also have an advisor’s knowledge, it is informed by hands-on experience. These folks have “been there, done that” so they are a great source of wisdom to help you think through your own approach or to help you navigate organizational politics. Because mentors foster growth through doing, they’ll share their lessons learned as a launch pad AND give their mentees room to customize the approach.

  • Taking the role of HEART in 4H, Coaches offer tools for success, by challenging self-limiting beliefs, and helping break through personal barriers. While they may have knowledge intrinsically related your work, coaches’ most valuable tools are their powerful questions that help get to the heart of the matter. The coach’s ability to deeply listen, guide you through a series of questions to help you tap into your inner knowledge and support you in the creation of an actionable plan are what make YOU succeed. They give you the strategies you need to overcome mental blocks and insecurities, like Imposter Syndrome, that can stop you from making choices or taking risks that could accelerate your career.

  • Sponsors complete your 4H Health model. Sponsors use knowledge, experience, and powerful questions to advance your career. In addition to all these skills, Sponsors are in a position of power within your organization, so they can effectively advocate for your growth, not only by teaching, but by recommending you to decision makers. Sponsors open doors to opportunities that only they can see from where they sit. In doing this, Sponsors find the intersection between what you offer and the health of the organization.

You may identify strongly with one or many of these personal board roles at any time. We advise that  you have each one of these 4H relationships for growth in your “inner circle” – your very own 4H for Growth personal board of directors. With these relationships, you are well connected and have access to skills and knowledge that provide lasting support for all aspects of your professional development.

Remember - these roles aren’t static or a one-way street: You can help to develop someone as a mentor, sponsor, advisor or coach  while also having having your own board of advocates.

The Return on Investment

Here’s the truth about these relationships: They take work. Whether you’re already a mentor or seeking a mentor out, building relationships requires time and emotional effort. And, if you’re one of the millions of humans performing hybrid or remote work, you might find it’s even harder to start or maintain a mentoring, coaching, or advisory relationship.

So, if it’s so challenging, why are these 4H for growth personal boards worth having? Professionals with a personal board of directors:

In addition, mentors with an eye toward equity and inclusion help lift up diverse candidates, and companies with strong mentorship environments were more likely to have minorities in management.

These relationships don’t just benefit the mentee. mentoring, coaching or advising someone else boosts personal relationships and professional networks for all participants, and people who develop others are also likely to see career improvements of their own. Helping others to grow by being a member of their 4H for growth personal board allows you to:

  • Develop or hone your leadership skills.

  • Practice goal-setting.

  • Learn to give truly constructive feedback.

  • Exercise and expand your expertise.

In addition, organizations that cultivate a strong mentorship culture are more likely to experience increases in employee retention, a reduction in “costly mistakes,” and improved staff diversity.

Next Steps

“I already have a 4H for Growth Personal Board, or I already am serving on one.”

If this sounds like you, you’re on track to advance your career. If you have a personal board of directors, consider exploring the 4H for Growth guide above to see how well rounded your board is. Are there personal board roles you’d like to learn or refine? Do you have the right relationships on your board? Asking these questions may encourage you to consider finding new advocates, or having conversations to redefine goals with your personal board members.

“I want to build my 4H for Growth Personal Board, or I want to serve on someone else’s.”

Once you know the 4H for Growth roles, you can look for colleagues and friends who are ready to help you achieve your goals. Consider joining networking events, searching online job boards, or pitching a mentorship program at your organization to start building new relationships. If you’re ready to start a mentor, coach, advisor or sponsor relationship, it’s time to dive into our 4H for Growth Personal Board framework and leverage it for yourself!


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