Work Smarter, Not Harder: The 6Ds of Time Management

In today’s fast-paced work environment, staying focused on what truly matters can be a challenge. Endless to-do lists, meetings, and distractions often leave us feeling overwhelmed. But what if there was a way to manage your responsibilities more efficiently? The 6Ds of Time Management - Delete, Decline, Delegate, Downsize, Do Smarter, and Defer - provide practical strategies to help you focus on what matters most and get things done more effectively. At The Axela Group, we have implemented some of these strategies and can confirm, they work!

  • The first step in efficient time management is to eliminate unnecessary tasks. Take a critical look at your to-do list and ask yourself: Is this task essential? Is this adding value? If the answer is no, it's time to hit delete. By removing non-essential tasks, you can focus on what truly matters and reduce the clutter in your schedule.

    The Axela Group was founded in 2018 and while a lot has stayed the same, a lot has changed! We realized that some of our recurring tasks and reports were no longer adding value. By reviewing our process on a frequent basis, we have been able to identify several activities that were outdated and redundant, creating more space to thrive!

  • Learning to say no is a powerful skill. Often, we take on tasks that don't align with our priorities or goals, simply because we feel obligated. Politely declining such tasks frees up your time and energy for the responsibilities that matter most. Remember, every time you say yes to something unimportant, you're saying no to something important.

    As a small, women-owned consulting firm, it’s crucial to align our work with our core mission and values. We’ve had to learn to say no to opportunities that didn’t align with our focus on transformation and equity. Declining these type projects allowed us to concentrate on initiatives that are true to our mission and where we can make the most meaningful impact.

  • You don’t have to do everything yourself. Delegating tasks to capable team members lightens your load and empowers others. Trust them to handle tasks, and you'll boost productivity and focus on what’s important.

    At The Axela Group, we’re continually refining our delegation skills. For example, our administrative assistant now manages routine client communications and scheduling, freeing our consultants to focus on delivering high-quality training and coaching. This has streamlined our workflow and allowed our team to excel in their strengths.

  • Simplifying tasks by breaking them into smaller parts makes them more manageable and reduces overwhelm.

    At The Axela Group, we use a phased approach—Discover, Design, Deliver, and Sustain—to keep projects organized and avoid feeling overwhelmed.

  • Efficiency is key to working smarter. Streamline your processes by adopting new tools, automating repetitive tasks, and refining your workflow. The goal is to accomplish more with less effort and time.

    At The Axela Group, we've integrated technology with applications like HubSpot and Trello, and strengthened team management using EngageRocket.

    We also enhance collaboration by leveraging the insights from Everything DiSC, allowing us to adapt to diverse communication styles within our team and with our clients.

    As we grow, finding smarter ways to work remains essential, and we're excited for what the future holds.

  • Not all tasks need to be done immediately. Prioritize based on urgency and importance, deferring non-urgent tasks to a later time when you have more bandwidth. This allows you to focus on what needs immediate attention, ensuring deadlines are met and work quality remains high.

    At The Axela Group, we prioritize tasks using a clear matrix to manage our workload effectively. By deferring less critical tasks, we ensure that our team can concentrate on high-priority projects, meeting deadlines and maintaining top-quality work.

Applying the 6Ds of Time Management—Delete, Decline, Delegate, Downsize, Do Smarter, and Defer—can transform the way you approach your workday. By focusing on what's truly important and managing your responsibilities more efficiently, you can achieve greater productivity and a better work-life balance.

Download our infographic for a quick reference whenever you need a reminder of what’s important. We understand that managing time effectively is a conscious and continuous adjustment to become our best selves, and we're here for the ride too! Let’s focus on what truly matters and get things done effectively together.


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