The Imposter Syndrome Phenomenon

Have you ever felt like you aren’t good enough, and even though people praise your work, deep down, you just don’t believe it? This mindset is often called 'Imposter Syndrome.' A recent study by a marketing research technology firm, InnovateMR, reveals a staggering 65% of professionals today suffer from imposter syndrome. It's one of the most prevalent yet least discussed challenges in today's workplace.

Internalizing Imposter Syndrome can turn into a 'mind trap,' a detrimental thought pattern leading to counterproductive, limiting, or irrational behavior, ultimately taking away from your progress and goals. How do we break free? Enter The Axela Group's 'Imposter SCAN' - a transformative approach to recognizing, challenging, and overcoming these mind traps. This method not only helps you adapt to change but empowers you to shift your thinking, carving a new, confident path forward.

Explore The Axela Group's ‘Mind the Trap’ Coaching Card to discover how to how you can break free of this common trap. Don't let self-doubt hinder your journey to success!

Resources: PR Newswire


Positivity Unleashed: Elevate Your Work with the Magic of Optimism


Unlocking Success: The Power of a Coaching Culture in the Modern Workplace